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Fertility counselling

The HFEA considers counselling a key element in the provision of fertility care. We are sensitive to the range of emotions experienced by patients and counselling is available to all at any time. Both Skype sessions and face-to-face appointments are available.

Implications counselling

Implications counselling provides an emotionally safe place in which to explore what treatment will involve and the lasting implications for you and those close to you. If you are using donated eggs or sperm implications counselling is routine before you start treatment.

Support counselling

Support counselling provides an opportunity to explore feelings, coping strategies, and practical issues (with partners, family, friends, and colleagues). You might find that you need support at different stages of treatment, and our support counselling is available at all stages of treatment.

Therapeutic counselling

Therapeutic counselling is provided to assist you in coming to terms with your situation and treatment, so that difficult problems or disappointments can be addressed. It may also help you accept the consequences of ending treatment and to move on to other options.

Get in touch

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